While renting a car in Argentina it is uncertain whether our Australian license will be accepted. We will clear the uncertainty in this article.
Differnet rental branches may ask you to show an IDP.
Please select your upcoming trip rental branch for the most accurate guidelines.
At this point in time, we have not yet collected the rental terms of rental companies in Argentina. Please visit us again in a later time to get more specific details.
To determine with confidence whether you need an IDP or not, we check multiple data sources. Please review the following legal terms of: the Australian laws, the local laws in Argentina, the rental company requirements and real life reports we collected from other Australian travelers in Argentina.
We have not yet collected the Australian laws. Please visit us again in a later time.
The laws in Argentina say the following:
Si sos un extranjero que llega al país y querés alquilar un auto o utilizar tu auto particular para movilizarte por el país, deberás portar tu documento de identidad válido para circular por el MERCOSUR o tu pasaporte con ingreso a la Argentina, y además tu licencia de conducir, que tendrá validez en el territorio nacional si cumple alguno de los siguientes requisitos:
Licencia nacional o internacional de conducir (esta última se torna necesaria si no se exige en su propio país una licencia de conducir) emitida en conformidad a las disposiciones de la Convención sobre la Reglamentación del Tráfico Automotor Interamericano (Washington 1943).
El permiso internacional expedido de conformidad tiene validez por un año desde su emisión, según el artículo XIII de la Convención.
Licencias nacionales de conducir emitidas por alguna de las partes contratantes de la Convención de Ginebra de 1949 (artículo 23, inciso 1), o de Viena de 1968 (artículo 41).
Las licencias emitidas por los estados contratantes autorizan la circulación por el país durante el período máximo de un año desde su ingreso, según artículo 1 de la Convención de Ginebra de 1949 y el artículo 1 b) iii de la Convención de Viena de 1968.
Source: Ministry of Transportation - Argentina
It means that:
1. Holders of an Australian driving license can drive in Argentina, provided that their license complies with the requirements set by the Argentine Ministry of Transportation. According to the information provided, Argentina recognizes national driving licenses that are issued in accordance with the conventions mentioned. Since the Australian driving license complies with Annex 6 of the International Road Traffic Convention of 1968 and Annex 9 of the Geneva Road Traffic Convention of 1949, and Australia is a party to these conventions, an Australian driving license should be valid for use in Argentina for up to one year from the date of entry into the country.
2. An International Driving Permit (IDP) is not strictly required if the Australian driving license is in compliance with the conventions as stated above. The IDP serves as a translation document and is not used as a form of identification. Since the Australian license is in English and Argentina is a Spanish-speaking country, the IDP could be helpful in facilitating the understanding of the license details by local authorities. However, based on the information provided by the Ministry of Transportation - Argentina, as long as the Australian license meets the requirements of the conventions, it should be accepted without the need for an IDP. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that Argentina recognizes licenses issued by states that are parties to the Geneva Convention of 1949 or the Vienna Convention of 1968, which includes Australia. Therefore, the Australian driving license itself should suffice for driving in Argentina, as long as it is within the one-year period from the date of entry.
Different rental agencies might still require an IDP even while the local laws do not require it. Please find your appropriate local supplier in the list above to verify.
We don't have any real life reports by Australian travelers in Argentina.
If you've been there and was pulled over by the local officials, please share your experience with us and we will publish it to help others.
Facts check reviewed on 6 March 2024 at 10:51 pm by PaapmPaapm editorial team.
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